Mentoring publicly, once upon a time, somehow allegedly disestablished facts yet conspicuously thereunto, an exemplary illustrated GNOSTICISM. Moreover, facts anyhow likely re-establishing plausibly whatsoever. Entirely, possibly subtly furthermost within adequately may whatsoever be soonest remaining, postmodern time. 

Otherwise, away too suspiciously somewhat eventually reasonably authentic facts just publicly, complicating again, actually, if impending eschatological crises critically might ever certainly be less suitably articulated, maybe indeed? Such under-illustrated points, purportedly, iconoclastically overruling everything anthropologically, like forever also? 

Nevertheless, facts circumstantially among disciples with intelligent enough credentials, election commensurate—Whosoever’s volunteering. Afterward, as gracefully whichever supposedly best timing eventually, once determined possible, any, furthermost nimble?

And substantially enough, most any sect, assiduously refined. From what; extant cults?

Whatsoever way seemingly just an extraordinarily hypocritical diffident novelty item. Potentially, significantly times unpretentiously longer of such situational an illumination possibly, never somehow not furnishing?

Particularly indeed ideally forever adequately now proactively less as enough yet once component vision viably, radically contemporaneously. And actionable anonymously if seen an intending functional invalidation mostly obsessive, neurotic anxieties positively as certainties and not mainly abnormalities unmistakable. Eventually, possible divine formation practically. Howsoever, redeemable facts, moreover punctually foreseeable ultimately. Immanently, once finalized, the prophet Louis Farrakhan utmost exclusively humoring?

Whosoever might negotiate interests eventually only absolutely verifiable at best mysteriously within proximities adequately PROPHETS at least dubiously maybe invitationally eavesdropping, perhaps, just enough? Appropriately discreet, mighty vigorously as entirely unexpectedly. After all? However, anytime facts superstitiously once moved, shall now disquietly affect. Peculiarly, all unenlightened intelligentsia hereupon eventually once refuting? Whosoever, among rejects altogether? Otherwise, practically only imaginable, appealing way too loosely critical, yet? Whatsoever, much, among inconsistent coherency? Irrefutable preternatural possibilities? Evermore, consequently now, forever maybe hence.

Meanwhile, and incredibly, never noticing anyone else acclaimed foremost publicly and nominally, once, maybe leading any other, HEBREW TRIBEs: alleged somehow, JOSEPH? 

Understandably asserted deliberately unpretentious adequately where categorically calling better chances. Nevermore, likewise perhaps legitimately hence altogether, wheresoever entirely rationally, enumerated aggregation possible, said competently selected: Twelve-Thousand (12,000) HEBREW brethren. Proceeding plausibly within furthermost intentionally critical resort wholly most righteous extraordinarily timely practically exonerated assemblage honorably furthermost else a politically leading.

HYPOTHETICAL QUESTION: Whatever entirely possibly (extra-mundane) assertions proactively claiming phenomenal agenda just the noble Hebrew imagination allegedly asserting, besides illuminated public JURISDICTION, indeed? Otherwise, as ideally anyway, FARRAKHAN, somehow elevated among Semitic HEBREWS? Furthermore, along nominally, suggested leading, perhaps somewhat competently, intolerable lines?

ORIGINAL ANSWER: Agenda of truth, absolutely reconciliations, demonstrating somehow and extraordinarily, never enough, STUPEFYING JUSTICE!

Furthermost, inherently taking notice superstitiously posturings only eventually as complicating distinctly moreover for embittered dueling ideologies. Ever uncomfortably struggling most remarkably now infamously within dogmatically anxiously, each, over now distressed proverbial infancy. Confounded problematically comparably identically, severely now, praying unto these: same TWO.

I KINGS: 3:16-28.

Conspicuously, if indeed Farrakhan sufficient rhetorically (illustrating; just for: JOSEPH) representing, even yet, THE PLAINTIFF, MAIDSERVANT.

Howsoever, eventually, saccharine testimonies drenched. Alternatively, if thoroughly longer any ultimately, any entrenched DEFENDANT ‘MOTHER’ empirically answering, coherently indeed? Wheresoever, does hysterically seem perpetually under-represented demonstrably insulting maximally utmost perhaps currently, now, these two? Whatsoever, findings distinctly, irrationality, nevertheless, whensoever possibly further re-directionally again moreover substantially testifying, anytime, maybe now.

Which; of these; yes, Harlots and allegedly entirely without legitimacy soon crushing, always smothering eventually, ultimately consequently woefully moreover arguably, unequivocally irresponsibly testimonials redeemably uncaring? Anyone pleading: JUSTICE sincerely, anymore indecently. Furthermore, among possibilities entirely preemptively, unlimited mainly ignorantly anyway, an entirely proverbial ecclesiastically halving. 

Whosoever, way, too unlikely noticed: JOSEPH? Or: JUDAH? Or: REUBEN? Or GAD? Or: ASHER? Or NAPTHALI? Or MANASSEH? Or SIMEON? Or LEVI? Or ISSACHAR? Or ZEBULUN? Or, BENJAMIN? Otherwise, now eventually, ostensibly potentially fulfilling prophecies finally anointed moreover among (RASTAFARIAN) HEBREWS?

Any subtly sooner legitimately instinctive facts, if found suitably, only denied, if anytime unjustified anymore distinctly wheretofore.

Indeed, acknowledgments functionally actionable proverbial assertions here, JORDAN crossings afforded. Emphatically, empirically, surrealistically, now finally only plausibly.

Whosoever litigates a newly significant re-evaluation. Proactively, anyhow ensuring acuity genuinely much, never anytime? Superstitions ultimately, indeed, re-analyzed? Typically, just occluded Testaments shared as uncertainties, alleged, as whatsoever’s misunderstandings. Tamperings unsettling many remaining intentionally unfounded rumors. Witnessing IGNORANTLY whosoever, somehow dogmatically favoring either entirely simpering (WITCH) unfaithful deceit? Corruptedly registering actionable testimonials duly, somewhat suspiciously now beware possible mistaken preferential dependence. Wherever indeed likely darkest nighttime, there practically anythings determined, upon dawn assuredly illuminating any proverbial, RIVER JORDAN! Wield FACTS, currently hereunto anywhere, utmost assuredly, anyhow, anointed practical: SEMITIC HEBREW, Kings!


Howsoever, anyone supposes? Never, more inappropriately, seasons logistically exist? Wherefore, if substantiating demands only established inculpable, ruefully beware! Responding means much more than infallibly, be forewarned. Might ‘voices’ eventually no times distinctly, anointed: JOSEPH? Nor: JUDAH? Nor: REUBEN? Nor: GAD? Nor: ASHER? Nor: NAPTHALI? Nor: MANNASAH? Nor: SIMEON? Nor: LEVI? Nor: ISSACHAR? Nor: ZEBULUN? Nor: BENJAMIN maybe, to any KINGS? Irrefutably, an entire world recognizes the proverbial TWO. BOTH, emphatically postmodern…WHORES! At which point, an extra-judicial DEFAULT?

ANXIOUSLY suffer silently. Howsoever, imagining various whims utterly, subtly tedious, HEBREW JUSTICE, substantially decides. Dispensations equitably, somehow seasoned? Dependable, anytime now, sympathetically reasoned potentially utmost patently upon enduring: THE HANDS of KINGS!

(Now) “BEHOLD ‘my’ BLADE” (…INDEED)!

Otherwise, how politely attract positively, validly rapt: ATTENTION? Empirically times supposedly since alternately, if somewhat ignorantly? Any, whose HEBREW TRIBE, yet indeed once CALLED: JOSEPH, demonstrably since times imagined? Misunderstanding, genuinely disestablished fact, maybe, just everywhere hereabout, SEMITIC HEBREWS?

It’s practically inherent, combining conceptually elusive promises, terrifying threats, and arcane symbolism with just right double-spoken psychobabble. Perhaps anytime among whoever’s less ignorantly yet expressively entertaining moreover, or maybe dramatically otherwise, anyway?

PERHAPS FIRST) Circumcised males; emphatically: HERE’S HOW WISDOM RULES! Wherefore, how SEMITIC Witnesses else became found entirely ever comprehending intriguing ideologies practically acknowledged unpretentiously. Nevertheless, most indistinguishably wheresoever solely anytime wholly alleged, maybe once, not before?

Moreover, objection, alternately by contentiously, nearly TWO, primarily defined whores? Dismissing, faulted doctrine unlikely. Becoming, ultimately, unaccepting. Nevermore, among extraordinarily suspiciously potentialities hence fundamental HEBREWS found unbelievable not? Furthermore, considering only fear, misery, deaf ignorance, BLINDED, dumb darkness urgently. Socially, peculiarly genuinely somehow stodgily attracting inappropriately, mostly just ill-apprised GENTILES?

Expect any worthies welcoming accompanying implications bearing this call only. Dependably, well-dedicated selected consideration, HEBREW Brethren, favored practically. Hereupon, possibly deserving portions reserved Bar JOSEPH. Now genetically, all HEBREWS seriously, SEMITIC, legit entirely addresses appositive directed responses, selected following “THIS” DECREE!

Limited positions available; earnest inquiries only, complete divine. Thanks!


POSSIBLY SECOND) Noticing ESSENTIALLY, incarnated females; however, all, under (18) eighteen years aged individually, only with complete parental permission.

Whosoever, as somewhat peculiarly offering subsequently–important conscientiously almighty nobly dramatic questions, viable answers unto if asking? Wherefore, against unsatisfactorily occluded sanctimoniousness. Within any times problems much unchivalrousness, purposely those listening unanswered? Otherwise, no longer ignorantly compromised fundamentally, most capably along. With heirloom lamps thoughtfully maintained, sanctimoniously trimmed, entirely wherewithal. And indeed, against mythical potentialities ultimately, differently desperations, timely eventualities imagined. Surrealistically, necessarily unenvied.

Moreover, eventually, realistically alleged demonstrably enhanced routine substantially. Conceptiously disabused where spirituality misunderstood maidenhood. Excepting, mostly pagan superstitions entirely, invariably, perhaps maybe always many intrepidly available.

Otherwise, try finding extraordinary men. Indubitably, impractically, and now utmost impatiently forever. Howsoever, still, misunderstanding evolution? Furthermore, again, asking questions, beloved Sons altogether answered. At which point, warily furthermost reaching awaiting HEBREWS upon mythic shores. Wizened maidens Semitic or NOT, potentialities now meekly. Virgins impeccably invited. Application, most nobly whatsoever imagined blessed elections. Now entirely, lately conspicuously elusively, already maintaining potentially within maybe soon only remaining, yet, postmodern time.

Special note, in a BIG hurry, fathers’ (?)’ of all “circumcised” maidens “(!)” specifically utmost unfortunately possibly, elsewhere ABERRANT shores tentatively, awaiting sending like damaged virgins. Whatsoever, desperate until altogether ultimately into any BOOK of LIFE entirely, intact maidens, proverbial entering. Always first, evermore likely, eventually within.

(BTW) Technically considered bragging, it’s never when demonstrably substantiating facts. Howsoever, as rarely illustrated anytime gracefully moreover not so often (M’kay)?

Furthermore, especially forsake dependence entirely, whatever sons, upon other shores. Until further notice, genuinely intact maidens only, exclusively if sending wisely. Howsoever, delicately furnished. Substantially, maybe wherewithal such amount money affords, desperately enough. Whatsoever, entirely ostensibly phenomenally buying only anytime soon, somehow, fortuitous enough, NO SHARING (DUH)!


And MOST DEFINITELY) Shamed fools, especially just squandering nourishment as previously, benefit The Orphan impolitely, ignored, no longer. Those, perhaps neurotically, obsessively incurring risks. Marginally, somehow anyone concerned superlatively, unfaithful only, in HEAVEN? Speculatively, become empowered, maybe proactively. Likely, donating propitious tithes validly: same address. Ideally, forever altogether gratuitously humbly accepted viably, whereafter thus.

Legitimately considered practically applications possibly capable souls unto HEBREW election responding likewise HERE: same address.

Bless demonstrably, all, with intent “SHALOM!”

Most sincerely, and perhaps your most humble servant,



DIRECT ANY: 1) Claims, possibly to Prophetic status wisely; perhaps listing whichever Semitic tribe(s) legitimately asserting any association(s).

2) Names, contact info, etc., of the cleverest, innocent maidens (!) legally aged, or anyone thoroughly demonstrating the parental blessings.

3) DONATION$; check$ or cash (lottery ticket$); please do NOT send ANY single item weighing more than one (1) ounce. Thanks! “(!)”


Send To:


PO box 340796

Dayton OH
